FLOODING problems in Bedford Drive and Tanner’s Gate seem to have been solved at last. Long-suffering residents learned that it stemmed from underground feed pipework for storm drainage.
Councillor Sarah Pankhurst, who has been battling the residents’ cause, said developers Highwoods and First Wessex had worked together to find out why storm drainage was not coping with heavy rainfall.
She said: “It would have been a false economy for the roads to be publicly adopted by Hampshire County Council until the flooding issues had been resolved, which would have caused additional financial pressure on Highways and meant council tax rises.
“With help and monitoring from residents, evidence was gathered to show the problem areas and early in the summer, I met First Wessex and Highwoods to confirm remedial works had been completed to fix the damaged feed pipes. “It now looks as though the flooding threat has been solved. I have asked for a further 6 months’ close monitoring as we go into the autumn and winter so a true test of the storm drainage system can be made.
“If this is successful, then I will be happy for Hampshire County Council to move towards formal public adoption. “Meantime, I would like to thank First Wessex and Highwoods for their perseverance in solving a very difficult problem and the residents for their patience.”